Juncheng Li | Jason Li
Personal Website

In this experiment, the group is given the task of designing a controller that controls a PID turntable speed. The system needs to satisfy a given criteria and specifications. The controller designed will use a combination of LabView along with a Data Acquisition (DAQ) interface, along with analog circuits. The theoretical results, with which the experimental results will be compared with, will be calculated using MATLAB. The objective of this experiment is for the percent over shoot to be less than 10%. In addition, the settling time needs to be within 2% of the final value is to be less than 500 ms. Lastly, the rise time needs to be less than 200ms. By comparing of the two results, student will get the difference between the two results and prove how the principles held. (Machtay 2). From that data gathered during the lab, the rise time was found to be 0.03seconds, it is satisfied the requirement as it is less than 200ms. However, the result is not acceptable with a relative error is -93.33%. The set time was found to be 0.13seconds and it is also satisfied the requirement which is given set time should be less than 500ms. The result is not acceptable as the relative error is -88.07%which is large. For percentage overshoot, the result was calculated to be 9.211%. it is meets the requirement as it is less than 10%. By compare to the theoretical result, the relative error is calculated to be 114% and that gave an unacceptable result with a large percentage error.