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Potential Field Planning


  • Abstract

In this lab, we used the potential field to conduct the trajectory plan of the Lynx robot arm. We found that the parameters have great influence on the potential field, they will affect the computation time, the accuracy, the motion state and some other aspects of the simulation. We also found that the choice of the start configuration and the goal configuration will also affect the success of the potential field. We thought out several solutions to improve the generation of potential field of the Lynx Robot.

  • Tuning

​After compiling the method of generate potential field into the MATLAB program, we began to conduct the simulation test. However, we found that, for Lynx which has 5 joints, it is very complicated to use potential field to do the path planning and the reasons will be discussed later. Therefore, we selected two typical cases, one to evaluate the parameters and one to evaluate the influence of start and goal configuration. To find out the influence of each parameters, we mainly compared the computation time (T), the position offset(D), the minimum distance between the robot and the obstacles and the state of the motion of the whole process

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